
Social Work

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Social Work

Corporate Social Work

MH CINE MEDIA aim to improve people’s lives by helping with social and interpersonal difficulties, promoting human rights and wellbeing.

Our leader Mr. Sanjay Bhosale is very kind person. MH 24 Media try to improve the quality of life for senior citizens and help alleviate some of the negative aspects of aging. We help senior citizens enjoy happier, more productive lives. Mr. Sanjay Bhosale and team gifts SMART 40" LED TV to villagers.

Mr. Sanjay Bhosale's passion to serve the most vulnerable populations, innovation, leadership, critical thinking and solution focused dexterities has cemented him as a leader in the social work profession. It is through these years of experience that not only has Mr. Sanjay Bhosale's passion to serve as a social worker grown but his desire to give back was ignited. He has thoroughly enjoyed supervising social work intern students on the bachelor and master level from Pune University.